Choose the hearing loss level that you want to test, record your voice, and that's it: you can hear yourself like he/she is used to hear you.
At "Hearing Loss" tab, choose the hearing loss level you want to test: mild, moderate or deep.
If you have a relative's or friend's audiometry, click on "Personal Audiometry" tab to personalize the test with your loved one's audiometry.
After that, go to "2. Record your voice" to record your voice for a few seconds, and you will be able to hear the results at "3. Results" section.
Choose the hearing loss to test
The following audiogram represents an audiometry results. Horizontal axis data are frequencies, vertical axis data are hearing loss levels (in dBs).
Point in blue color are data for left ear. Points in red are data for right ear.
The graph is interactive: you can alter the data you see fit to the values you want (to match your audiometry, a relative's one, a friend's one, ...).
To change one value, for instance for right ear change the value at 500Hz frequency to -30dBs, click the "Right" button and then click over the point (500, -30).
Click the microphone button to record your voice for 5-10 seconds. In the following section, "3. Results", you will be able to listen "how a person with this hearing loss really hears you".
Repeat the test as many times as your want, even test adjusting the audiogram at your will.
It seems you have no microphone or you have not allowed access to it!
To experience ComoMeOyes hearing simulation, it is necessary that you provide access to your microphone.
Please, make sure you have a microphone plugged in, click on the microphone (or camera) icon in the address bar of your browser, and clic on the Allow button to enable it.
Para nosotros es muy importante conocer tu opinión. Te agradeceríamos mucho que pudieras respondernos 5 preguntas.
Es importante para nosotros conocer tu opinión sobre ComoMeOyes. ¿Podrías responder esta muy breve encuesta?
Responder breve encuestaA person who is not able to hear as well as someone with normal hearing – hearing thresholds of 25 dB or better in both ears – is said to have hearing loss. Hearing loss may be mild, moderate, severe, or profound. It can affect one ear or both ears, and leads to difficulty in hearing conversational speech or loud sounds. (Hearing loss and deafness, World Health Organization).
Over 5% of the world’s population – or 466 million people – has disabling hearing loss (432 million adults and 34 million children). Disabling hearing loss refers to hearing loss greater than 40 decibels (dB) in the better hearing ear in adults and a hearing loss greater than 30 dB in the better hearing ear in children.
Approximately one third of people over 65 years of age are affected by disabling hearing loss.
People who (still) hears well guess how a person with hearing disability hears us.
Guessing pales in comparison to living for real.
If you have a relative or a friend with hearing disability, you probably know how often, in the heat of conversation, so many of us forget their disability. Just then, they end up left out in silence.
HowYouHearMe allows you to live for one moment how it is they hear, how it is to hear you with hearing loss disability (approximately), with your own ears, so you can "put yourself in their shoes".
Without the help from our collaborators, this website would have not been possible.
Integral, centre mèdic i de salut has collaborated with their brilliant expertise and even some studies with real patients at its integrative health center in Barcelona
Integral, centre mèdic i de salutRosa Gràs, Lourdes Cámara and the whole team at MacSony have provided the so much needed topnotch and warm professional help in callibrating this application, absolutely key to make this project of hearing loss sensitivation a reality.
MacSonyThe talented Matt Hollis has developed the interactive audiogram software tool. We encourage you to visit his Audiogram site at Github and give him a very deserved star.
jQuery-AudiogramEugenia from, a highly talented website frontend designer, has collaborated in the making of our website, from design to hosting services. Kudos to her at
GiniusWe owe a huge Thank you to John Hertz, the owner of the prestigious online musical academy ProduccionElectronica, for his unrelentless help in calibrating ComoMeOyes.
ProduccionElectronicaDuring ComoMeOyes' calibration phase we went to Werner Robitza, FFmpeg reknowned expert, who very generously assessed to us in doing the fine adjustments to our code.
Slhck.infoMireia Portell and her family has been the inspiration for this project. We wish her unrelentless aim towards the integration of people with hearing loss keeps delivering awesome results, as awesome is our logo created by her amazing son Nicolás Araya.
This project would have not been possible without the boundless, enormous generosity from Cristina Domingo, doctor, acupuncturist and director at Acupuncture Master in Barcelona. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words.
Cristina DomingoSend us your comments about your experience at this site, to suggest improvements to us, share it in your website, or just to say hi!